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Combinación de 2 procesos diferentes de endurecido, consiguiendo los mejores resultados del mercado en Duración. Posee una capa superficial de 2 a 3 micras con dureza superior a 85HRc añadiendo debajo de la capa el filo de corte endurecido por Láser con 68HRc.

Máxima Duración para cualquier material.

Siendo 0,440 mm y 0,480 mm las alturas comunes para el mercado de la etiqueta adhesiva. Toda esta serie posee un tratamiento que previene y evita la oxidación del troquel.

Todos nuestros troqueles son fabricados para obtener la máxima precisión y duración en el proceso de troquelado de materiales como Papel, PE, PP, PET, Tyvek y sus combinaciones con soportes siliconados tan exigentes como PET 30 Micras y PET 23 Micras.

Combination of 2 different hardening processes, achieving the best market results in Duration. It has a surface layer of 2 to 3 microns with a hardness greater than 85HRc by adding under the layer the laser-hardened cutting edge with 68HRc. Maximum duration for any material, being 0.440 mm and 0.480 mm the common heights for the label market adhesive All this series has a treatment that prevents and prevents the oxidation of the die. All our dies are manufactured to obtain the maximum precision and duration in the die-cutting process of materials such as Paper, PE, PP, PET, Tyvek and their combinations with silicone supports as demanding as PET 30 Micras and PET 23 Micras. The combination of different cutting angles depending on the material to be cut facilitates cutting and desmallado, as well as reduces the pressure exerted by the magnetic cylinder during the die-cutting process. A good angle combination provides maximum durability for each material and guarantees a perfect cut. The most common angles vary from 50º to 90º, being able to combine several on the same cutting edge symmetrically or asymmetrically
